Przenieś do treści



Registration of a Contractor on the Platform 0.31 MB Ikonka pobierania
Technical requirements 0.12 MB Ikonka pobierania
Asking questions for the procedure 0.19 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in the open tender 0.91 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in the restricted tender 0.93 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in negotiations with publication 0.98 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in regulatory procedure 0.80 MB Ikonka pobierania
Submission of bids 0.75 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation on a regular basis without negotiation 0.91 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation on a regular basis with negotiation 0.95 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation on a regular basis with the possibility of negotiation 0.98 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in the procedure under the mode 'Non-tendered procurement' 0.29 MB Ikonka pobierania
Participation in the competitive dialog mode 1.05 MB Ikonka pobierania

The above instructions are available in the form of instructional videos at: